2008年6月25日 星期三

William J. O'Neil

  威廉.歐尼爾(William J. O'Neil)是美國知名的成長型投資大師,投資經歷長達40年,畢業於南美以美大學(Southern Methodist University),並曾在美國空軍服役期間以300美元開始投資寶鹼(Proctor & Gamble)股票,退役後在洛杉磯的海頓.史東(Hayden, Stone & Company)證券公司擔任經紀人及在哈佛大學的管理發展所(PMD:Program for Management Development)研究期間,開始研究美國股票史上漲幅最大的股票所具有的特性,發展出著名的CANSLIM選股投資法則,他以CANSLIM 的方法進行實際投資,創下在26個月內大賺20倍的記錄,1963年創立威廉.歐尼爾公司(William O'Neil & Co.,Inc.),並買下紐約證券交易所(NYSE)的交易席位,當時他年僅30歲,創下最年輕擁有紐約證券交易所交易席位的記錄,1984年開始發行投資者財經日報(Investor's Business Daily),成為唯一可以和華爾街日報(The Wall Street Journal)媲美的投資日報,1988年出版How to Make Money in Stocks: A winning system in good times or bad一書(中譯:笑傲股市),即成為當年度全美最暢銷的投資類書籍,並在1990年及1994年再版,至今已銷售達100萬本以上,而且仍然繼續發行。

1.C:當季盈餘成長率至少18~20%(Current quarterly earning per share must be up at least 18~20%)。
2.A:過去五年盈餘顯著成長,複合成長率15~50%或以上(Annual earning per share should be meaningful growth over the last five years, the annual compounded growth rate of earnings in the superior firms should be from 15% to 50%, or even more per year)。
3.N:新產品、新管理階層或股價創新高,忘記低價股,股價低通常有其理由存在(Buy companies with new products, new management, or significant new changes in their industry conditions, and most important, buy stocks as they initially make new highs in price. Forget cheap stocks—they are usually cheap for a good reason)。
4.S:流通在外股數少或是在合理水準之內(Shares outstanding should be small or of reasonable number, not large capitalization, older companies)。
5.L:市場的領導者或落後者,應挑選(Leader or Laggard:the 500 best performing stocks from 1953 to 1990 averaged a relative price strength of 87)。
6.I:專業投資機構的認同(Institutional sponsorship:Buy stocks with at least a few institutional sponsors with better than average recent performance records)。
7.M:市場走向(Market Direction)。

1. http://www.williamoneil.com/
2. http://www.investors.com/
3. http://www.dailygraphs.com/
4. 笑傲股市:美商麥格羅.希爾出版(英文本:How to Make Money in Stocks:A winning system in good times or bad)
